Annelid Characteristics
- Well developed true coelom
- Segmented (reduced or lost in some)
- Complete digestive tract with regional specialization
- Closed circulatory system with respiratory pigments
- Well-developed nervous system
- Usually with lateral chaetae (spines) on each segment
- Marine, fresh water, and terrestrial environments
Class Polychaeta Subclass Errantia — Free-swimming Worms
- Numerous chaetae (setae) on segments
- Most have well-developed parapodia
- Most have sensory tentacles and eyes on head
- Many have chitinous jaws
- Lack clitellum
- Marine or brackish waters
- Mobile (errant): crawl over substrates or swim
- The monophyly of this group is not certain
Scale Worm, Halosydna brevisetosa, CA
California Fireworm, Pareurythoe californica; La Jolla, CA
Blood Worm, Glycera sp., La Jolla, CA
Twelve-scale Worm, Lepidonotus squamatus, CT
Common Bristleworm, Linopherus sp.
Dried Bristle Worm specimen, Chloeia sp.
Dorvilleid Worm, possibly Dorvillea sp.
Lumbrinereid Worm, possibly Lumbrinereis sp.
Two models of likely polychaete annelids from the Cambrian Period: Canadia (left) & Burgessochaeta (right), roughly to scale with one another.
Leafy Paddleworm, Phyllodoce medipapillata; La Jolla, CA
Green Iridescent Worm, Arabella iricolor, La Jolla, CA
Sea Nymph (Nereis sp.?) epitoke (pelagic sexual) stage; La Jolla, CA
Class Polychaeta Subclass Sedentaria — Tube and Fan-headed Worms
- Parapodia and chaetae often reduced or lost
- Most are sedentary, living in burrows or secreted tubes
- Many with feathery tentacles for feeding
- Mostly filter feeders or suspension feeders
- This subclass is probably paraphyletic
Christmas Tree Worms Spirobranchus giganteus; two color variations
Feather-duster Worm, Eudistyla sp.
Red Tube Worm, Serpula sp.
Brown Fanworm, Notaulax nudicollis (collected in Florida)
Spiral Tubeworms, Pileolaria sp. (note also acoel flatworm in lower left)
Spionid Tube Worm
Sand-castle Worm tubes, Phragmatopoma californica; Calif.
Fan Worm, Bispira sp.?
Spaghetti Worm, Terebella californica?, tentacles. The numerous fine tentacles are used to locate small food particles.
Small Unidentified Spaghetti Worm; Calif.
Giant Tube Worm, Riftia pachyptila, from deep-sea volcanic vents; preserved specimen
Polychaetes of Uncertain Relationships
- Polychaete worms that do not fit into the other groups
- Parchment worms (Family Chaetopteridae) are perhaps the most basal of the annelid worms
- Aelosomid worms were thought to be oligochaetes due to their fresh-water habits, but may be polychaetes instead
Parchment Worm, Chaetopterus sp., preserved specimen
Freshwater worm Aeolosoma sp.
Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta — Earthworms
- Few chaetae; lack parapodia
- Little structural specialization of head
- Presence of clitellum (forms muscus and egg cocoon)
- Mostly in terrestrial or fresh water environments
Dissected Earthworm, Lumbricus sp.
See also labeled photo.
Earthworm, Lumbricus sp., CA
Fresh-water worm, Dero sp.
Earthworm, Lumbricus sp., stained cross-section slide, posterior to clitellum; 40x
See also labeled photo.
Tubifex sp. Worms, a fresh-water species
Fresh-water worm, Pristina (Stylaria) sp.
Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea — Leeches
- Segmenting less defined; body not divided by septa
- Clitellum present
- Lack setae or parapodia
- Have a posterior sucker and usually also an anterior sucker
- Mostly in fresh water, a few are marine and semi-terrestrial
- May be scavengers, predators, or external parasites
Leech, wholemount slide
See also labeled photo.
Freshwater leech Helobdella sp.; Phoenix, AZ
Ribbon leech, Nephelopsis obscura, showing ventral surface and suckers
Scavenging leech, Erpobdella sp., KY
Class Echiura — Spoon Worms
- Unsegmented (most likely secondarily lost)
- Muscular, non-retractable proboscis with a groove (gutter)
- Many have chaetae or warty skin
- Long gut with with posterior anus
- Marine sediments: deposit or suspension feeders
- Formerly considered a separate phylum
Innkeeper Worm, Urechis caupo, preserved specimen
Fossil Spoon Worm, Coprinoscolex ellogimus; 300 Ma, IL
Class Sipuncula — Peanut Worms
- Unsegmented (secondarily lost?)
- Anterior introvert can be fully withdrawn
- Fluid-filled tentacles around mouth
- Gut U-shaped; anus near introvert
- Live in marine sediments
- Formerly considered a separate phylum
Dissected Peanut Worm, Sipuncula sp.
See also labeled photo.
Peanut Worm, Phascolosoma agassizzii, CA
Peanut Worm, Phascolosoma sp.