BIO 113 — Dinosaurs
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Lab 11
Carnivorous Dinosaurs


  • Nearly all are bipedal: forelimbs shorter than hind limbs
  • Claws on all fingers and toes
  • Fairly long S-shaped necks
  • Relatively large head (most)
  • Hollow limb bones
  • Vertebrae with spaces for air sacs
  • 4 toes per hind foot (outer toe lost), with one toe often vestigial (does not reach ground)
  • 4 or fewer digits on fore limbs; one is usually somewhat opposable

Basal Theropods

  • Various primitive groups (paraphyletic grouping)
  • Typically have 4 fingers per hand (but one may be vestigial and not visible externally)
  • Small to medium-sized; slender build
  • Tail somewhat flexible

  • A primitive group of theropods
  • 4 fingers per hand (an ancestral trait)
  • Mostly small, with a slender build
  • Skull usually fairly elongated
  • Known primarily from Triassic Period
Coelophysis fossil
Coelophysis fossil, Late Triassic Period, New Mexico (WDC [Museums are identified at bottom of page])
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  • 1 finger reduced (appear to have only 3)
  • Medium-sized, with moderately slender build
  • Thin bone crests on head
  • Known primarily from early Jurassic Period
  • Paraphyletic: Dilophosaurus more closely related to ceratosaurs and tetanurans (below)
Sinosaurus fossil
Sinosaurus fossil, Early Jurassic Period, China
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  • Relatively primitive, with four fingers (but one may be vestigial)
  • Morphologically diverse, with varied body sizes
  • Mostly found in southern hemisphere

  • 4 fingers per hand
  • Medium to large size
  • Fairly typical proportions for large predatory dinosaurs
  • Several small horns on head
Ceratosaurus fossil
Ceratosaurus skeleton, Late Jurassic Period, North America, Europe, Africa (MAL)
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  • Small, slender dinosaurs
  • Head small
  • Some with projecting teeth (for fish catching?)
  • Others were toothless
Masiakasaurus skull
Masiakasaurus knopfleri skull cast, Late Cretaceous Period, Madagascar (CFM)

  • Forelimbs greatly reduced, vestigial, but with 4 fingers
  • Medium to large size
  • Skulls are deep, and fairly short in derived forms
  • Crests and bumps on head or face are typical
Carnotaurus fossil
Carnotaurus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, Argentina (LAMNH)
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  • All subsequent theropods belong to the clade Tetanurae
  • 3 Fingers (or fewer) per hand
  • Tail relatively stiff
  • Body size varies


  • Carnosaur was a name applied to most large predatory dinosaurs
  • Phylogenetic analysis indicates Carnosaurs are not monophyletic, so the name is falling out of use
  • Large size with fairly typical shapes for large predatory dinosaurs
  • For convenience, and since there are few external differences, we will combine most typical large carnivores, such as the Allosauroids and Megalosaurs, into a general "Carnosaur" grouping in lab

  • Megalosaurs are medium to large generalized theropods
  • Few obvious specializations; lack crests or horns on head
  • Large claw on thumb
  • Includes Megalosaurus, the first named dinosaur
  • Formerly included with other large theropods in the "Carnosauria"
Torvosaurus fossil
Torvosaurus skeleton, Late Jurassic Period, North America (MAL)
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Our Changing Views of Dinosaurs: Megalosaurus
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

changing Megalosaurus
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  • Large to very large size
  • Long, narrow snout with enlarged tip
  • Small centrally-located crest on forehead
  • Teeth conical, without serrations
  • Most likely were piscivorous (fish eaters); some where semi-aquatic (the only known aquatic dinosaurs)
Spinosaurus fossil
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, North Africa (CFM)
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Our Changing Views of Dinosaurs: Spinosaurus
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

changing Spinosaurus
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  • A large, diverse group of generalized predators
  • Mostly large to very large size
  • Generally have somewhat elongated skulls with large orbits
  • Many have ridge or horn above eye (but not unique to this group)
Giganotosaurus fossil
Giganotosaurus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, Argentina (FMNH)
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Theropods of Uncertain Relationships
  • Relationships uncertain
  • Probably not closely related to any major group (or each other)
  • They will be treated as generic "Carnosaurs"
Monolophosaurus fossil
Monolophosaurus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, Argentina (WDC)
Miscellaneous Theropods


  • All subsequent tetanuran theropods belong to the clade Coelurosauria
  • Enlarged sacrum (the vertebrae between the pelvic bones)
  • Stiffened tail
  • Tibia (lower leg) longer than femur (upper leg)
  • Perhaps all had some sort of feathers or protofeathers
  • Ancestrally small-sized, and most were small-medium sized, but a few did evolve very large sizes

Compsognathidae (& other basal Coelurosaurs)
  • Compsognathids were small, agile dinosaurs
  • Proportionately long tails
  • At least some (or all?) had simple proto-feathers
  • This group may not be monophyletic: some, such as Sciurumimus are juveniles that may belong to another theropod group
Scipionyx fossil
Scipionyx juvenile fossil, Early Cretaceous Period, Europe (BHI)
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  • United by various subtle skeletal characteristics
  • Predatory theropods, but variable in proportions
  • Simple protofeathers were probably ancestral in this group (but may have been secondarily lost in some)

Basal Tyrannosauroids
  • Relatively primitive, similar to other basal coelurosaurs
  • Small to medium size
  • 3 fingers per hand (like most other theropods)
  • Some known to have had feathers
  • Medium sized, slender build
  • Long, narrow skulls
  • Long arms with 3 fingers; enlarged thumb claw
  • Poorly known & only recently recognized; position in Tyrannosauroids is not certain
Suskityrannus fossil
Suskityrannus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, NM (AZMNH)

Primitive Tyrannosaurs
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  • Most derived group from the latest Cretaceous
  • Large size
  • Proportionately large head
  • Greatly reduced arms with only 2 fingers
Tyrannosaurus fossil
Tyrannosaurus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, North America (MAL)
Dervived Tyrannosaurs
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Our Changing Views of Dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

changing Tyrannosaurus
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Dinosaur Growth & Development: Tyrannosaurus
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

juv & adult Tyrannosaurus
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Species Differences: Tyrannosaurs
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

Tarbosaurus & Tyrannosaurus heads
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Anagenesis: Daspletosaurus
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

Daspletosaurus heads
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  • Ostrich Dinosaurs
  • Slender build, with long legs, long slender necks
  • Small heads that were toothless in most (or with tiny peg-like teeth)
  • Gastroliths present; probably herbivorous or omnivorous
  • One species known to have feathers
Struthiomimus fossil
Struthiomimus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, North America (MAL)
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  • Small, with long legs and neck
  • Small heads with tubular snout
  • Very short but powerful arms
  • Single, massive claw on each hand
  • Loose, filamentous feathers known from one species
  • May have been termite specialists
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  • Very unusually shaped theropods
  • Size varies from small to large
  • Body broad and heavy, with wide hips and short tail
  • Long necks with small heads
  • Very long arms with enormous claws
  • Probably herbivorous
  • Loose, filamentous feathers known from one species
Nothronychus fossil
Nothronychus skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, Southwestern USA (AZMNH)
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  • Long arms and short tails distinctive
  • Most were small (but at least one large species)
  • Very short skulls with (usually) toothless, parrot-like beak
  • Some had prominent crests on their heads
  • Feathers with flat vanes that may have functioned in display
  • Diet uncertain: evidence for both herbivory and carnivory
Conchoraptor fossil
Conchoraptor skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, Mongolia (DRC)
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  • Eongated 3rd finger
  • Finger and modified wrist bone support membranous wing in some
  • Blunt, downcurved snout with large front teeth (projecting in some)
  • Unique ribbon-like tail feathers
  • Small size
  • 4 known species
  • Probably tree climbers and gliders
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  • Commonly referred to as "raptors"
  • Very small to medium size
  • Agile, with fairly long arms, long fingers
  • Inner hind toe with a greatly enlarged, retractible slashing claw
  • Skulls elongated
  • Tails long and stiff
  • Well developed feathers with vanes
  • Some capable of gliding flight
Velociraptor fossil
Velociraptor skeleton, Late Cretaceous Period, Asia (WDC)
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Our Changing Views of Dinosaurs: Deinonychus
See lab manual Exercise 17 for more information

changing Megalosaurus
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  • Similar to the Dromeosaurs, but with smaller slashing claw
  • Mostly small sized
  • Smaller heads than Dromeosaurs with distinctive teeth
  • Relatively large-brained
  • Well developed feathers with vanes
Troodon egg clutch fossil
"Troodon" egg clutch, Late Cretaceous Period, MT (MotR)
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  • Probably the sister-group to birds (Class Aves)
  • Formerly thought to be related to Troodontidae
  • Generally shorter-snouted than Troodontids or Dromeosaurs
  • Mostly small sized
  • Well developed feathers with vanes: very bird-like
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MAL = Museum of Ancient Life, Lehi, UT
WDC = Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis
LAMNH = Los Angeles Museum of Natural History
FMNH = Fernbank Museum of Natural History, GA
AZMNH = Arizona Museum of Natural History, Mesa
BHI = Black Hills Institute Museum, Hill City, SD
MotR = Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT
DRC = Dinosaur Resource Center, Woodland Park, CO
This page last updated 16 August 2024 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.